
H.E.Nino Pereira currently as Minister of Commerce and Industry was a young politician leader, Academist, Artist and Activist.

During the resistance period,H.E. Nino Pereira with Timorese students that studied in Indonesia participated in various demonstrations fighting for independence starting in 1992. In the 1995, H.E. Nino Pereira was involved the organization of National Resistance of Timorese Students (RENETIL) as a card-holding member with the code name of PREGU. On December 7th, 1995, participated in a demonstration at the Russian Embassy in Jakarta to demanding a referendum for Timor-Leste and the release of Maun Boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão. In 1997, he was elected as RENETIL’s main responsible at UNER LALIKA Malang and in the same year was involved in a demonstration demanding a referendum, condemning the military brutality of Jakarta’s regime, and demanding the release of Maun Boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão under Soeharto’s regime. On March 24th, 1997 the demonstration took place at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. As the consequence of these demonstrations, H.E. Nino Pereira and his fellow student were arrested and taken to Polda Metrojaya in Jakarta.

With the spirit of independence, H.E. Nino Pereira together with other university resistance student leaders transform the organization IMPETTU into a resistance force in 1998 and H.E. Nino Pereira gained the trust to leads DPP IMPETTU’s as the General Secretary. In early 1999, organize the team to establish the office of RENETIL and IMPETTU in Dili to support Referendum campaign activities. He is also the member of Campaign Planning and Coordination Committee(CPCC). In July 1999, he went to Washington DC USA, with other Timorese to participate in the meeting with the World Bank. After voting for the Referendum, in 1999 H.E. Nino Pereira, campaigned in Japan against the violence by Indonesian military and militia. H.E. Nino Pereira is also the founder of Presidium Juventude Lorico Asswa’in(PJLA) and Concelho Nacional Juventude Timor-Leste(CNJTL).

In 2000-2001 during the UNTAET period, H.E. Nino Pereira with the priest Filomeno Jacob at that time as Minister of Education, led a team from DPP IMPETTU heading to Indonesia to collected data from Timor-Leste university students, and were able to send back 1500 peoples to complete their studies in Indonesia. In the time of independence, he served as the Vice Minister of Commerce, Industry and Environment on August 10, 2015, and ended on October 2017. Before that, H.E. Nino Pereira served as the Secretary of State for Industry and Cooperative at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Environment (MCIA) from August 2012 until February 2015.

On the 10th of June 2001, H.E. Nino Pereira together with Fernando de Araújo and Mariano ASSANAMI founded the Democratic Party (PD). Currently H.E. Nino Pereira gained the trust to become Minister of Commerce and Industry (MCI) in the 9th Constitutional Government led by Maun Boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, who took office on July 1, 2023.

Another profession, H.E. Nino Pereira was as a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics at UNTL and UNPAZ. His career as a lecturer began in 2001 at the Faculty of Economics at UNTL, with his last position being the Head of the Department of Economics Science & Development Studies and Editor-in-Chief for VERITAS scientific journal at UNTL. During his time as a lecturer, in 2004 he participated in leadership training in Bangkok Thailand, and in 2006 he also participated in a course on research at the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER). In 2007, H.E. Nino Pereira take on duty as a Chief of Cabinet in the Secretary of State for Youth and Sports until 2012.  He holds a master’s degree in human resource management and a bachelor’s degree in development economics from Merdeka University in Malang, Indonesia. H.E. Nino Pereira, known as H.E. Nino, was born on April 10 1974, in Dili, from parents Francisco Soares Pereira and Catarina Nuhan Pereira. Completed his studies at Basic Education (SD Negeri III) Bidau Dili, Pre-Secondary Education (SMP Negeri I) Dili, and Secondary Education (SMA Negeri I) Dili. Formasaun ba funsionario MCI tste

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